AMA Recap: Gem Chasers & Tosdis

10 min readJan 4, 2021


Below is a full-recap of the AMA, for the gem chasers who couldn’t make it, or for anyone that’s interested. Feel free to have a read!



Gem Radar ✪:

Welcome @gemchasers to another AMA series of ours, and today we have here with us the Tosdis team. Welcome @mamoonyousaf @madeleine_n & @Cryptoriko

Mamoon Yousaf:

Hi everyone, Thank you for inviting us here today

Madeleine Nilsson:

Hello, Thank you for having us here

Ryan Doeschate:

Hey guys, thanks for having us here today and thanks to Gem radar for inviting @Tosdis

Gem Radar ✪:

Could we all start with a brief intro? What is your background? How does it relate to Crypto or Defi? Do you three know each other in real life? And of course, how was the idea of @Tosdis formed?

Mamoon Yousaf:

Sure, a little intro about myself; I am Mamoon Yousaf, CEO and Founding member of TosDis Finance. With years of global experience in business in a wide range of industries, I have successfully grown start-up companies and added value to existing companies. I would say Decentralized finance is the future, and I have been a silent investor of many successful crypto projects since 2015. Crypto is an emerging market where I see much potential from a business point of view, and TosDis is my part to play in the world of Defi.

Madeleine Nilsson:

Sure let me introduce my self, I am Marketing lead at Tosdis as well as Tosdis foundation member. I have been in the crypto space for last 3 years whereas in the marketing field for the past 5 years. I run my own marketing agency.

I am an experienced digital marketing expert, hardworking, self-motivated individual, and well versed in providing assistance, support, coordination, and executing global digital marketing campaigns. A dedicated, loyal, and dependable person with a vibrant, upbeat personality and possess excellent communication skills.

I am the founder of the 313 Agency, which is a marketing agency. I have been running it for the past 2 and a half years. I have worked both with Crypto and non crypto projects. All of my other projects have been in stealth mode where me and my team have provided assistance with regard to Marketing, management, Influencers etc. This is my FIRST full time public project.

Gem Radar ✪:

If you guys/girls are public can you please provide your LinkedIN’s or facebook etc?

Ryan Doeschate:

Hi everyone, My name is Ryan. I am a software engineer since early 2000s and entered blockchain space in 2014 to be precise. I have been managing remote teams around the globe and have built numerous DeFi projects in the past few years. Personally, I love to work on JS Stack, but i play with python as well. Blockchain is a pretty excited thing to work on and solidity is my favourite language for this. I am a team player and known for completing milestones in time.

Mamoon Yousaf:

As you all know Dubai is a global village. We are based out of different countries. I am from UK and so is Madeleine. We have been working out of Dubai for past 6 years working on a number of projects based on construction, trade, IT. I am also part of a couple of private Hedge funds from Dubai. Our tech lead is based out of Netherland but lives in Canada atm.

Madeleine Nilsson:

Please visit our website our profiles are linked there

Gem Radar ✪:

Right got it, so how did the idea of Tosdis emerge? And in a nut shell what is Tosdis? What’s its purpose? Does it solve any DeFi problems? etc

Mamoon Yousaf:

Tosdis is what we call it DeFi as a service. We are offering a range of projects which are not just a short term hype products. We are offering products that are going to be used by literally every crypto project in the future. This is not a usual PnD project where you get Yield farming for a month and the project is dead after that.

First 2 products from the range of products are Staking as a service and Yield farming as a service to all the existing and Upcoming projects in the market. These are not just on the paper but instead we are coming to the market with working products which are audited by Our staking as a service and Yield farming as a service is one of its kind and is ready to launch. The launch will happen Post public sale. For rest of the features you can refer to our website

Initial aim of Tosdis is to allow users to stake different ERC-20 tokens and later expand to include tokens from other blockchains such as Polkadot, BSC, etc. across chains and capitalize on these crypto funds in a fully decentralized P2P lending ecosystem. Tosdis will be a decentralized infrastructure for issuing Staking-as-a Service contracts which is safer than exchange staking and has incredible flexibility compared to self-staking.

The primary objectives of Todis are:

To let users earn staking rewards without locking their crypto assets;

To make it possible to earn rewards on as small a deposit as users want without restriction on deposits in multiple ERC-20 and other tokens.

To minimize the risk of losing a staked deposit as a result of software failures or malicious third-parties;

To provide the Todis token as a building block for decentralized applications and chains

To provide an alternative to exchange staking, self-staking, and other semi-custodial protocols

To create a decentralized peer to peer lending and borrowing platform

To provide Yield Farming as a service to all ERC20 projects.

To provide liquid staking for ETH 2.0

Ryan Doeschate:

i will give a short overview of what problems Tosdis solves.

1: Staking for all

2: yield farming for all

3: Liquid staking for POS coins i.e staled derivatives.

4: affordable and cheap

5: Accessible to all

6: removes barriers of tech development which saves time and cost.

Gem Radar ✪:

Ok nice! So when is the pre sale for Tosdis?

Mamoon Yousaf:

There is no pre-sale. There will be only one Public sale, fair for everyone. Date for sale will be announced soon, but it will be before 15 January.

Gem Radar ✪:

Will the public sale be held via your website? Or via a launchpad?

Mamoon Yousaf:

Sale will be held over some decentralized protocols like bounce. We are looking at options right now to choose the best one. We are not going for any centralized exchange launch pads.

Gem Radar ✪:

Right but as we know bounce doesn’t provide a rug free experience. What are you guys doing to ensure a rug free experience to the community?

Mamoon Yousaf:

That is why we are considering all the possible options to provide the safest option for contributors. Rest assured, there will be no such activities as TosDis is coming publicly with the whole team.

Ryan Doeschate:

firstly: we are not a copy paste project.

2: we have a ready to launch product

3: we will listing the token on couple of cex (Tier2)

4: we have our public profiles at stake.

Gem Radar ✪:

Right, I don’t want you guys to take no offense or anything. But it’s really important to find out this information before hand. So that investors can proceed with caution or calculate their own risk in a better way.

Ryan the things you have listed are all great but it still doesn’t ensure a rug free project for the public sale. As well as the Audit can be done but again, it doesn’t ensure a rug free project.

The public profiles can be forged and has been done before. LinkedIN’s are quite easy to make etc. So my question is, since you guys are all public. Would you be willing to KYC yourself to the public or privately KYC yourself to atleast a few entities before the public sale to gain trust?

Or would you consider using at the very least a platform like predictz or LID protocol is my question..

Instead of relying on trust, I think public sales should lead to a way of becoming a trustless process. If this can’t be done at the very least a global KYC should be done, or to a few entities privately..

When would we be able to get these informations before the public sale? And what are your thoughts on what I’ve said ?

Ryan Doeschate:

Yea we can KYC but not just to anybody on the park. People with repo can KYC us. Anyways, @MamoonYousaf our CEO will soon be doing a live interview with popular youtuber.

Gem Radar ✪:

Oh wow then that solves all problems in regards to gaining trust for investors right!

So let’s talk about the uniqueness of Tosdis Finance, you mentioned that it was not a copy/paste project. So you guys developed this from the ground up. How will you encourage users to actually use Tosdis as it is a DeFi at service?

Mamoon Yousaf:

Yes indeed. But as I already mentioned earlier, we are looking at possible options for sale. So as you said, a trustless process would be better for conducting the sales. You will have more update on this matter in coming days.

Mamoon Yousaf:

Our project is basically Defi-as-a-service, and we provide DeFi services to other projects in the market who can use our services to offer certain features to their user-base.

Ryan Doeschate:

Let us paste the workflow of how our Staking as a service will work

Gem Radar ✪:

Right so what I can see here is Tosdis is going to be creating a whole new ecosytem for DeFi users

Ryan Doeschate:

Indeed. We are also working with a partner to introduce an Incubator for new and upcoming project. This is not yet announced nor it is mentioned in the whitepaper.

Gem Radar ✪:

Wow this is exciting, and incubators are getting quite popular so it’s cool to see how fast you guys are already adapting to the trends.

Gem Radar ✪:

Could you rundown some brief tokenomics of $DIS?

Would you please describe why Tosdis should be used over any other DeFi service? What will be some of the main benefits of holding $DIS token as well?

Gem Radar ✪:


Ryan Doeschate:

DIS token is the foundational pillar of the the Tosdis ecosystem. Everything literally revolves around DIS token in every product that we will offer

Ryan Doeschate:


Gem Radar ✪:

I have been trying asking you guys some open ended questions to explore and discuss further about Tosdis. Not get replies with photos

This is an AMA we are supposed to explore and disect information together and ask why how when etc.. But it seems you guys are happy to just share what is on the white paper or website, so that’s fine by me!

I’ll move on to community questions now I guess

Ryan Doeschate:

We expect that you have read the basic information about the project and will ask specific questions about something. If you have further questions regarding what you read about the token utility in the image we are happy to answer it.

We would have anyways pasted the same answer for the token utility by copying it from the web or whitepaper

Gem Radar ✪:

I have read your website and whitepaper but the community hasn’t they wait for the AMA to get questions answered. So if I just ask you questions from my study then it won’t be fair to our community. The idea here is to introduce your project. Not to review any questions I personally have.

Moving along to community questions now

Ryan Doeschate:

Yes sure, we are happy to answer community questions

Gem Radar ✪:

@drzy16 asks What do you think are the strengths and superiorities of Tosdis in comparison with first generation DeFi protocols like Aave, Compound etc, are you optimistic about the adoption and that people migrate from these mentioned platforms to Tosdis?

Ryan Doeschate:

If you see Staking as a service, yield farming as service and liquidity staking as a service, we are not offering this to the end user. You can see this as white label solutions.

X project wants to offer staking or yield farming or liquidity staking to its holders

X will have to develop a number of contracts, audit them than deploy them before they can offer the above service.

This process will cost X a lot of time and money.

At Tosdis, X project can come. Fill up the terms of offering for their staking, yueld farming or liquidity staking and simply deploy the contract from our master contract.

Thats it staking, yield farming, liquidity staking is ready for the X project and it can now offer it to its holders.

Gem Radar ✪:

@jlaudybell asks How can the community get passive income with DIS tokens? How many INCENTIVES do you offer to the community? Do you have an Ambassador program? and how can I get DIS tokens?

Mamoon Yousaf:

We offer many ways to generate passive income for users such as by using staking service or Yield farming services to multiply the earnings. There’s also our lending protocol which can be used in with staking services to increase the yeilds, as illustrated in charts as examples. We also distribute 45% of the platform revenues to DIS token holders and liquidity providers of certain pools.

We don’t have any ambassador program in-place yet. You can get DIS tokens once the sale starts.

Gem Radar ✪:

@fatstack asks, Madeline says she has been running 313.Agency for the past 2 and a half years, but when I look at the domain registration date. It was created only a month ago in 2020? Could you please explain to me the reason behind this?

Madeleine Nilsson:

Yes I have been running the 313 agency since past 2 and half years but website was made recently because i am part of this project now so i needed to create an online presence so our marketing agency can be promoted as a part of a global project.

Gem Radar ✪:

Alright cool, thanks for answering the questions from the community. I’d like to add that Tosdis seems to be an interesting project that I’d like to explore more. I hope the community takes some time to explore this project by visiting @Tosdis first and then the website and whitepaper.

Thank you to three of you for answering the questions and joining our AMA. Still a new project and I understand where you guys are coming from. The concept is absolutely great. And I love the fact that you guys are working on providing a trustless experience. These things are now valuable to the community and I appreciate that it is top priortiy for you guys.

I’ll be personally waiting to see more updates from Tosdis as I see this has alot of potential and agree with you that this isn’t a PnD, it serves a real product.

Thank you guys and girls.





Written by Gemchasers

A community driven movement in crypto, join us and become a Gem Chaser!

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