AMA Recap: Gem Chasers & Sonergy

12 min readJan 10, 2021


Below is a full-recap of the AMA, for the gem chasers who couldn’t make it, or for anyone that’s interested. Feel free to have a read!



Gem Radar ✪:

Ok @gemchasers, welcome to another AMA Series and today we have here with us the Sonergy team to explain what they are all about! Welcome @cryptomazon @Berrybrains @Christy_CryptoLadyAfrica @Chidimez @mouse_The_mighty Could you all please first individually introduce yourselves and your background, as well as the relation it has to crypto, defi and Sonergy.

Crypto Goddess:

Thank you, very much. I am Faith Titus by name. Currently serving as the lead team member of Sonergy and the Cofounder of blockchain Nigeria user group, event director of government blockchain Africa.

I have the honor to be a contributory member to the community drafting the policy documents and framework for the institutionalization and operations of blockchain and cryptocurrency in my country .

Moreso, have over 4hrs experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, providing advocacy and education for both private, Corporate and government agencies across boards


Hello, and thank you so much for having us here.

I’m with the team as an crypto-space advisor, and i’m hopping they’ll keep me around as community management/secretary… i’ve worked in this capacity for several projects, and when i found Sonergy, i knew that i wanted to be a part of the project. IRL i work with steel and chemicals… so, you can see how this is a good fit? haha

Gem Radar ✪:

Thanks for the introductions 🙂 So can you please explain to us for the people who don’t know about Sonergy, in a nutshell and in your own words.. what would be the best way to describe the purpose of your platform?

Crypto Goddess:

The research industry continues to face a range of challenges amid it’s progress and importance in decision making processes, from gaining trust of the respondents, access to validated data, and keeping data collected secured. For instance, many respondents don’t trust market research companies because they tend to give information that is inaccurate, or, at best, half baked. For both research companies and clients, this proves problematic. As a result, companies then receive incomplete or incorrect data that hinders businesses ability to align and implement informed business strategies. The data market is massive and getting data through a reliable system that is without a central point of failure is important. Sonergy offers a transparent, immutable, and consistent data collection system

Hence, Sonergy mission to revolutionize the data ecosystem thereby providing trustless data through humans for data consumers, in addition rewards those providing data and thereby create jobs for especially the low active income earners using Sonergy Token $SNEGY cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.


That’s my favorit thing to talk about, and why i’m so excited. For me, i see this as a way for anyone to utilize their education, skill and experience to earn on the global market writing research papers for hire.

Gem Radar ✪:

So the project is about Data Analysis correct? So what exactly does that mean? Is the product for everyone to use? Is the product ready to use etc..


Data collection more a way of implementing such an analytics system to acces the survey data provided by community members

Cutting edge technologies are necessary and, with Sonergy, one is available publicly that is designed to benefit all sides of the market research continuum.

Crypto Goddess:

Yes it is about providing data integrity, security, reliability, onchain.

From experience, many seeks to generate data but have no hopes of gaining value for their contents, ie not rewarded

For example most survey companies lacks the ability to gather reliable data because of their central nature of business operations, many who they engage to provide these data for them are less or not rewarded for their efforts, time and resources spent; which results to gathering half backed data by the companies that does not give a clear view or solutions of the purpose for which the data is being gathered.

Sonergy an ecosystem is allows people from different works of lifes to collect and proved data in a decentralised manner without the data being influenced by anyone. It also provides an opportunity for any one to work from any location by providing data and getting paid. and all data provided on the platform are private, safe and secured onchain

Gem Radar ✪:

So lets say I’m a user and I want to survey a group of people, I can use Sonergy to do this?

Some people are using google forms for example, especially in crypto for white listing pre sales. Would Sonergy be beneficial for this?

Crypto Goddess:

…Yes it lets you and everyone create robust business surveys of any size and type. Using blockchain technology, Sonergy will make data accessible through a decentralized smart contract with companies wishing to initiate research and data collectors over a time period. Companies and any person looking for certain information would be able to access from humans and not bots in real time via the Sonergy platform. The Sonergy team has also developed a robust analytics system that will enable you to get full insight of the survey in a decentralized manner. To give a practical example, let us say we have a certain client wanting to penetrate African rice market, they might have questions around which channels are best to sell, which markets (countries), pricing, packaging. They can ideally approach any market research company to do this. However, many are challenged by restrictive methodologies, coverage, project turn around, access to sources on ground, etc. They can use Sonergy to answer these business questions quickly and can create their own survey questionnaire using any metric of his choice. This means they will also have access to a network of sources on the ground at multiple location that would have gone through a rigorous verification process on our system


I think this will be a regular use case indeed. This method will allow a large pool of contributors.

Gem Radar ✪:

It makes sense, as the best example would be for a quick survery or data collection, google forms is used (just to give an example) and it is very very easy to manipulate it. So I think the main question here is. Exactly how is Sonergy going to target data manipulation?

Crypto Goddess:

Good questions

Sonergy uses a blockchain-based consensus mechanism, as a backbone of data collection. Thereby building the Sonergy ecosystem to allow interactions between three key players (actors), namely authors/requests, respondents (data collectors) and validators. The Sonergy platform would have a comprehensive network of data collectors and validators . These ensures data are not being manipulated in the system. Moreso, its a decentralized system and not a centralized system


The system itself, being on chain and with it’s validators is the heart of our security. being that said with google as your example… is that business are having a hard time relying on data from such searches… and why Sonergy is needed.

Gem Radar ✪:

Excellent 🙂 I’m really liking the system tbh, ok so when will the actual product be ready to use? And what is Sonergy it self as a team doing in order to ensure adoption will be achieved? Do you have any partnerships in place etc?


As we will show in the Tokenomincs, we have set aside a good amount for marketing… we are in talking with international firms, as well as keeping an in house- in the space marketing team ready to help at all times. Not to exclude our decision to integrate with RFI as our main trading pair. this into itself brings a large and dedicated community, and much value with it’s revolutionary coin code-mechanics.

Berry Brains:

As part of sonergy marketing plan to attain global visibility, we have attended both local and international pitching competition , where sonergy was show cased to a pool of top government institutions as prospect for future partnerships. And we are glad to announce, that we are partnering just to mention a few, with platforms like Reflects Finance $RFI , whereby any holder of sonergy token $SNEGY have the opportunity to be rewarded an APY of about 40% through our staking liquidity program as part of our roadmap which we shall be launch weeks after our token presale that will be coming up live in few hours

Gem Radar ✪:

So how will the tokens be actually used? how does it relate to the product? Where does the buying pressure come from for $SNEGY?

Crypto Goddess:

Thank you this positive feedback, this means alot to us. indeed Sonergy is a very unique system .

Sonergy is the first known company to be actively disrupting the market research industry with blockchain technology and thats another factor that makes us unique.


Quite simply, the tokens are an on site utility… this helps create a staking process that is non-inflammatory like so many farming coins made as gimmicks.


Yes, we are providing unprecedented solutions to data vulnerabilities.

Gem Radar ✪:

So the token is deflationary? But how will the token get used with the product? In order to use the Survey, do users pay in $SNEGY? is there a fee for this?

Crypto Goddess:

Not a deflectionary token though but a non mintable token and as part to create scarcity and improve value for the token, we will be adopting a burning methodology as stated in our roadmap


i would say, that i can be. but more or less balanced.

Gem Radar ✪:

I understand, and where does the token actually get utilized in the ecosystem? What can people do with $SNEGY? & How does it work with the Survey product, as well as what are the main benefits for holders, traders and investors in a #defi perspective?

Crypto Goddess:

The token supply is capped at 21m maximum supply, team cannot does not have the opportunity to mint . Moreso, we are also going to be adopting liquidity token lock mechanism for 3years

Crypto Goddess:

The token is being used as a utility Token to enable a data collectors launch surveys on our platform

Gem Radar ✪:

Perfect, this is what i was looking for 😄

So you will be doing a pre sale right? Where can we find more information?


i’m hoping very soon! i’m having trouble waiting hehe

Crypto Goddess:

Yes our presale is launching in no distant time from now.

Using a decentralized platform where our future investors would have the opportunity of access to our token and that will be announced shortly.

We are going to be offering 30% of our total token supply on sale with a target raise of 1000eth as hardcap

Gem Radar ✪:

Also Faith you are a public person, you are not anon, and you have KYC’d your self already. You are also on various sources such as google and youtube, so it’s very easy to find your background. This is crucial as it gains trust with the investors. So I’d like to thank you for that and that you are thinking of the investors and trying to make it as comfortable and smooth sailing as possible. This is a big plus from me.


it does make it easy… when someone tells me that they think her photo was “fake”… i can send them to youtube, and suggest they DROY, and that’s very easy in this case

Gem Radar ✪:

Well TBH we can’t blame investors as well, they have been tricked and hurt in the past. This is Including my self, I’ve been rugged multiple times and lost money.. as some people are getting creative and even using AI to manipulate and impersonate other people.. But I’ve experienced Faith having no problems and jumping on a live video call within 10 minutes to do a KYC so this shows tremendous efforts.

Crypto Goddess:

Thank you very much for this.

Its important to create value within the ecosystem and standby it.

I believe if everyone becomes doxxed, it will help to prevent the massive scams around the blockchain and cryptocurrency space

Gem Radar ✪:

Okay so, let’s move on to our community questions 🙂 As we are short on time here today, we only have time to take answers from 2 community members that we have pre selected. Let me know when you are ready to answer these!


Crypto Goddess:

Yes ready

Gem Radar ✪:

@mishbelyn asks,

1. Are there recognized bodies or organisations that Sonergy has partnered with to ensure that the interests of investors and stakeholders is protected maximally?

2. What plans has Sonergy put in place to ensure that they do not run out of data for researches?

3. How does Sonergy intend to deal with the stiff competition out there, and maintain her position for a long time?

btw, welcome @Christy_CryptoLadyAfrica 🙂


3. How does Sonergy intend to deal with the stiff competition out there, and maintain her position for a long time?

They say innovate or die. And this technological space it is important to always make space to grow and reassess your position in the market. So we will continue to find ways, this can be in form of new products and partnership to keep Sonergy ecosystem functioning.

In addition to this, sonergy uses a blockchain-based consensus mechanism, as a backbone of data collection. Thereby building the Sonergy ecosystem to allow interactions between three key players (actors), namely authors/requests, respondents (data collectors) and validators. The Sonergy platform would have a comprehensive network of data collectors and validators. This would allow companies and individuals to have access to a large pool of skilled and competent on-the-ground sources, covering diverse sectors and countries across the globe, to provide any knowledge needed to address business questions.

We are the first to take this approach, and with machine learning, AI, blockchain, and not to forget the human touch… we will provide a better product for customers.

Crypto Goddess:

No 2. Sonergy doesn’t collect the data. Its the data consumers , moreso data is everywhere, all Sonergy is doing is to help both players provide and access quickly trustless data onchain

Christy T:

To add — the data market is huge, someone is always looking for some sort of information. considering what our system offers and challenges it will be solving when it comes to research and that it caters for everyone — companies, individuals. We do not foresee this being an issue

Crypto Goddess:

On partnership we have got the support of GCPIT to feature our product to the world in the coming weeks from today for free because of the uniqueness of sonergy, and we also have lineups global partnerships. Which we shall be announcing soon according to our roadmap and as we evolve


1. Are there recognized bodies or organisations that Sonergy has partnered with to ensure that the interests of investors and stakeholders is protected maximally?

The more word gets out about us, the more time we have to dedicate to having talks with potentail partners… this will have a rapid but organic growth as far as i can see already.

To add, with Faith’s political positioning, i can see this also being a bridge from business sector, to private, to GOV all seamlessly.

Gem Radar ✪:

@Reysantoscryptoo asks, What is the three layer proactive system solvency protection that you’re utilizing within your ecosystem? How does it make the ecosystem safer — does it ensure 100% safety ?


Sounds like a very good dev question to me.

looks like every one had their coffee.

Crypto Goddess:

Yes it does because the Sonergy ecosystem is built to allow interactions between three key players (actors), namely authors/requests, respondents (data collectors) and validators.

Therefore data will be encrypted and stored in an IPFS cloud, which then returns an IPFS hash to the Sonergy App framework. This hash is then sent to the blockchain to ensure time stamping and proof of ownership. you will see the design on our white paper when fully integrated and also how it enables Sonergy users to control the data they share on the Sonergy platform.

Gem Radar ✪:

haha yes, that seems like it.. they can catch up by scrolling up or visting our medium no problems 🙂

Crypto Goddess:

Moreso, the validators are position to vet both the data collectors and the data providers across layers to ensure maximum safety with the help of the smart contracts and AI core functions

Gem Radar ✪:

Okay great! I really appreciate you all coming out here today and answering our questions including the communities.. It was great to have you all here to talk about SONERGY and understand how it will play a role in the DeFi world. It’s a great ecosystem you guys/girls are building here. I’m super excited to hear more details about the pre sale. And you have my full support 🤝

Thank you again!


Thank you! And everyone for participating this morning, please continue the conversation at our TG:

Crypto Goddess:

Thank you very for having us

However , you encourage everyone to learn more about Sonergy

By joining us using the following links on this message.

Welcome Everyone

Introduction to Sonergy

Sonergy is the first global blockchain-based data integrity protocol that assists and connects businesses to markets and researchers to gather quality, useful and factual insights to inform their business strategies.

Discover and access quick market intelligence solutions on the blockchain through Sonergy.

1. Sonergy research assists and connects businesses to markets and researchers in order to gather useful and factual insights to inform their business strategies.

2. Access to a large pool of experienced and professionals on-the ground-researchers covering various industries and countries across the globe to provide you with information for your business

3. Tailor the scope of research to your needs and create your own qualitative and quantitative questionnaire, surveys (customer, market research) to gain a better perspective and understanding of your market and target audiences.

4. Earn on up to $2000 on Sonergy

There are many ways to earn on sonergy, either by completing daily task, or by referral program.

5. Register now on website

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Gem Radar ✪:

Great, I encourage everyone to join the links!




Written by Gemchasers

A community driven movement in crypto, join us and become a Gem Chaser!

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