AMA Recap: Gem Chasers & Rocket Vault Finance
Below is a full-recap of the AMA, for the gem chasers who couldn’t make it, or for anyone that’s interested. Feel free to have a read!
Gem Radar ✪:
Welcome everyone @gemchasers to another AMA series of ours, and today with us we have Rocket Vault Finance. Welcome @Yuri_Gagarin_RVF & @rVaultFi
Neil Armstrong:
Hi GemRadar, Thanks for having us over!
Very excited to interact with GemChasers community and share details about our SmartVault!
I will be doing most of the talking while our CTO Yuri will join to help with any technology related questions.
Gem Radar ✪:
Perfect that sounds good, I’m keen on learning more about Rocket Vault Finance myself, and I’ve already had a decent chat with you privately so I am even more excited to explore and disect what this project is all about. Before we dive deep into your project, can we get an introduction of yourself and the team? Past experiences?
Neil Armstrong:
Our team is a mixture of SMEs (Ex-SAP employee with 17+ yrs of experience in Financial Services Industry), Statistical analysts, Security experts and developers with varied skills including blockchain, python and AI/ML of course.
We have rich experience in implementing complex solutions to financial institutions all over the world. We want to bring our experience to crypto space and deliver products that simplify the crypto investing to reap maximise gains.
Gem Radar ✪:
Great, so your team is an anon team or ?
Neil Armstrong:
We are semi-anon. 2 of the influencers have done or KYC privately
They acknowledged the same on their twitter as well ..
We wanted our product to be the face of the project, but we decided to do KYC to show that we are here for the long run
Gem Radar ✪:
Wow that’s interesting, so you remain anon but in order to gain trust from recent rug pulls you willingly KYC’d yourself in private.
That’s awesome I love it. Ok so what is Rocket Vault Finance about? What is the vision for short term and long term.
Neil Armstrong:
Here is our 10 sec pitch:
Rocket Vault Finance is a Smart Vault Powered by advanced AI Predictive analytics & ML pattern recognition algorithms to come up with strategies to generate best APY for stable coins.
Let me put that in the context of DeFi. There are so many projects out there that are just minting tokens and giving insane APYs to start with, but eventually die off once the farmers start dumping the tokens in the market and the APY dies down as well.
Our approach is entirely different. We generate actual revenue and distribute rewards in stable coins.
Gem Radar ✪:
Let’s go deep into this 10 second pitch if you don’t mind. What do you mean by Smart Vault? and how is the AI related to the vault mechanism? Did your team build the AI from scratch? How many testing has there been done to see the algorithmic patterns.
Neil Armstrong:
Sure. Let me take you through our journey.
We started around sep/oct 2019 and we did start developing algorithms from the scratch.
Gem Radar ✪:
I can see the main goal of Rocket Vault Finance is to long term provide stability in APY’s but what I want to know is how is this done via the AI
Neil Armstrong:
Let me share our technical architecture and then i can explain what we do and how we achieve consistent APY
Here is the technical architecture, where you see we feed data from multiple CEX to our AI engine, which then analyses the data using data modelling and statistical analysis.
With this the AI engine is able to recognise patterns and arrive at predictions for optimal entry and exit points to lock in profits.
Our Smart vault triggers Buy and Sell orders to CEX like Binance and bitfinex, where the orders are executed.
We also have product demo with LIVE orders and you can join to see the SmartVault in action @RVF_SmartVault_Bot
We have been running the vault wit initial deposit of $9380 from the past 50 days and are able to generate $1700+ rewards that puts our APY over 100%
If you are interested I can share some view snippets on how the data crunching happens at the backend ..
Gem Radar ✪:
Will users be able run this too ?
Neil Armstrong:
This Video is taken just Using Snaggit in PUTTY that connects to GCP…
First Step -> Fetching Live Data from Binance and Save it local Folders
Second Step-> Feeding all 300 Crypto Data to Algorithm …to check if there exists any pattern… So App will trigger BUY orders…
Third Step -> Monitor the Orders which Already executes to check if reach the target level.. So application will trigger SELL orders to Binance
This whole Process is Automated using CRONTAB. You can See alot of Number Crunching do happen. Its not just an Algorithm.😊
Here i am sharing some screenshots where our GCP VM (virtual machine) is running for past 3 months with out single minute down timw
and also you can see how we store the data of multiple pairs data in the form of folders
And also how we track the best prforming pairs informaiton …
Neil Armstrong:
Run the algorithms you mean?
Gem Radar ✪:
So we are currently in testing phase right? what about the launch? When will that be ready. And what I mean is how will this be used. Will users have to use this individually. Or is this going to be apart of the Rocket Vault Ecosystem in whole, to automatically create and generate the APY’S
Neil Armstrong:
Our efforts is to offer Vault services to any user with really simple UI and let them benefit from the technology behind it, with out actually knowing whats happening behind the screens :)
Neil Armstrong:
I would say we have crossed the testing phase. We have been developing/testing & finetuning strategies for more than 15 months and we are able to consistently gnerate over than 100% APY consistently.
Powered by Advanced AI Predictive Analytics & Machine Learning Algorithms to come up with intelligent strategies
Currently private beta is out:
We are raising 600 ETH as part of preSale on 2-Jan-2021 and 300 ETH out of this we deploy in Vault and refund 50% of the investors amount with the revenue generated by Vault based on performance and also investors get 66.66% returns on token price compared to listing price in 1 month, after public sale.
So the 50% funds raised in preSale we wiil be deploying in Vault on behalf of the investors, this will be our private beta.
Gem Radar ✪:
Love it. Building amazing tech. However consistantly generating over 100% APY’s and providing that stability is a tough challenge don’t you think?
Neil Armstrong:
We have public beta release scheduled for january, following which we have public sale and listing
Rightly said! That is the reason we have 3 months duration for the deposit, to be eligible for the rewards.
The user can withdra anytime, but only the original deposit amount can be withdrawn and the rewards generatd thusfar, will be sent to the global pool of rewards to be re-distributed to those who deposit funds for the entire 3 months duraiton.
So the users are incentivised for holding funds for whole of 3 months duration.
Gem Radar ✪:
so lets run some figures?
Neil Armstrong:
We also have subscription model for institutional invstors, where we offer Vault as a service, which is schduled for February release ..
Gem Radar ✪:
Lets say I am an investor. I buy your token in presale. And I want to mainly use your smart vault. I have $100k USD. What can I do with this? Do I have to buy all of the $100k USD with your native token? Can I do in stable? What will be my return? Is there guarentees for this? Security measures? etc
Neil Armstrong:
Sure. As mentioned above we deposited initially $9380 in vault and in the past 50 days, vault gneratd revenue of $1700+ which puts our APY over 100%
is this what you are referring to?
Gem Radar ✪:
Neil Armstrong:
We believe VAAS is going to be a game changer as we plan to onboard institutional investors with this cloud based offering. We are already getting a lot of interest and queries regarding Vault-as-a-service. We believe this will open gates to a lot of new investors to crypto space. Not because of BTC or ETH but due to Rocket Vault Finance as they don’t need to worry about which assets to invest in, as our Smart Vault does the job for you.
Due to this we also expect at some stage down the line, we could establish a partnership with big exchanges Binance / Coinbase / Huobi etc as our application helps them in on-boarding a lot of new users (having an account with an exchange is a pre-requisite to use VAAS). They can offer this value added service to their users.
Gem Radar ✪:
So what will happen if an investor puts $100k USD in the vault. Does he do this buy purchasing your token? Or just provide tether? or is there options?
Neil Armstrong:
Currently we are planning to charge 1% of the deposit amount as fee in $RVF.
Gem Radar ✪:
Ok perfect, but do individuals have the choice of providing in any asset? just to use the smart vault?
You can find complete details about user plans on the website. There is free plan by holding 50 RVF and subscription model ..
Gem Radar ✪:
Ok understood. So there is some great buying pressure for $RVF 😉
Neil Armstrong:
Individuals can just hold 50 $ RVF to use vault. Only 5% of profit genratd will be charged as fees
Neil Armstrong:
Gem Radar ✪:
So basically to summarize. You can use the vault with any available asset as long as you hold a certain amount of $RVF. This is not just based on $RVF. However from profits there will be a 5% charge and 1% deposit fee. Correct?
Neil Armstrong:
To start with we are offering stale coin Vaults;
user deposits in above vaults and the rewards will be paid on quarterly basis in the same tokens (stable coins).
Gem Radar ✪:
This is some major tech.
Neil Armstrong:
5% profits is fee for the individuals and 1% deposit amount is the fee for VAAS users.
For individuals, there is no deposit fee as such.
Gem Radar ✪:
What platform currently would you class as your competitors? Is there anyone else that is offering at least 100% APY consistantly like yourself?
Neil Armstrong:
Well, there is no one even close 😊
let me pull out the best stable coin vaults as we speak .
Gem Radar ✪:
Right, I haven’t heard of it either. Do you guys actually GUARENTEE minimum 100% APY? are you at that stage yet? or currently is it about ~ consistancy ?
Neil Armstrong:
this is YFI vaults
This is YFII vaults
Neil Armstrong:
Well, from a legal perspective, we can not guarantee anything. But we are able to consistenlty generate over 100% APY, which is encouraging. Best part is even if we are able to achive half of it . .say 50%, we are still the best APY providers in the market, which gives us a lot of cushion to still be the leaders in the market.
let me share the video proof of binance pnl for the last 40, 45 & 50 days ..
Gem Radar ✪:
Wow you guys are confident and are providing proof for everything lol
Neil Armstrong:
You can see for 40, 45 & 50 days respectively the pnl shows $1500+, $1800+ & $2000+ respectively, which puts our APY over 100%
Neil Armstrong:
We have everything handy as our community has been grinding us for past 2 weeks 😂
and we did 2 AMAs so far and this is 3rd 1
and 1 more AMA to follow as a run up to preSale
Gem Radar ✪:
Exciting stuff really. I’m really interested to learn more about the pre sale now. What are token metrics and tokenomics of $RVF itself? What are the conditions of the pre sale?
Neil Armstrong:
let me pull the tokenomics ..
We are raising 600 ETH and preSale price is 1 ETH=25 RVF and listing price is 1 ETH=15 RVF, which gives 66.66% returns in 1 month or so ..
Gem Radar ✪:
Could you please tell us why you haven chosen these specific tokenomics as well ?
Neil Armstrong:
And 50% of invest amount wil be refunded to invstors based on Vault performance. Assuming we achieve 100% APY going forward too, we refund 8% monthly basis and we should be bale to refund 50% in 6 months.
The only pre-requisite to be eligible for refund is to hold 50 RVF in wallet form the date of token distribution.
Neil Armstrong:
Well, our idea is to give majority share of tokens to community, hence we have 53% allocated for token sale.
And we also have a governance model where we want the community to decide what to do with 50% of the fee generatd by vault:
1> Buy back RVF and burn on quarterly baisi
2> Distribute to RVF liquidity providers
we will finalise the approach with voting mechanism where RVF token holders can vote and choose the way forward.
Can I share the whitelist link here, if that is OK?
We will be closing whitelist in a day or 2 and thi is really the time to register if any of you would like to participate in preSale
Gem Radar ✪:
Please feel free to share 🙂
Neil Armstrong:
Thank you.
We are currently raising 600 ETH as part of preSale. Here is the whitelist registration form for pre sale:
Gem Radar ✪:
And how much has been raised thus far?
Neil Armstrong:
During preSale the whitelist participants will be allowed to contribute on FCFS
Neil Armstrong:
it is oversubscribed and currently at 1000 ETH, we will close whitelist once we are 2x subscribed (1200 ETH)
During preSale the whitelist participants will be allowed to contribute on FCFS
Gem Radar ✪:
Wow! So things are moving quickly.
@gemchasers I suggest you have a look at this deeply and get a move on in buying some.
Neil Armstrong:
To avoid gaswars, we are processing conributions 10 ETH and above already. If anyone want to contribute please DM @rVaultFi
Please note we never DM you for funds.
Please also join @rVault to follow our project.
Gem Radar ✪:
The team will never DM you for funds. Please Check the username clearly. Copy and paste it and contact them that way. Or join the group and make sure it is an admin and contact like that.
What about external audits, have you done any yet? Is there a plan too?
Neil Armstrong:
We are in the process of getting audit done for the token contract. We will get the complete product audit done with a reputd organisation before the public beta release in january.
Gem Radar ✪:
Ok so we have some community questions for you that we’ve preselected and would want you to answer, are you ready? 🙂
Neil Armstrong:
Looking forward to it .. please
Gem Radar ✪:
@nova_trinaa asks, what products does the RocketVault finance team make for users and what benefits for the $RVF token has it been listed on the exchange market to buy the $RVF token? What can we see being built in the ecosystem of $RVF? Will it be the native token running the ecosystem?
Neil Armstrong:
Hey Nova, RVF has exciting road ahead with some amazing products for release in 2021:
Firstly we have the Public beta
Then VaaS: Vault as a service
What benefits RVF token or the token holders is that as the adoption increases there will be more demand for RVF which leads to huge buying pressure. We dont see it challenge to onboard new users with the kind of APY we are able to generate.
Gem Radar ✪:
@CLbhuwana asks, Has $RVF ever thought of increasing or decreasing the total supply? Will there be any benefit of this?
Neil Armstrong:
We are evaluating the option of either buy back and burn RVF tokns with the 50% of fee generated by Vault or distribute to RVF liquidity providers
We are going with the voting mechanism and let the token holders choose the way forward
Gem Radar ✪:
@jacklee231, It looks like you have very interesting staking pool with unique feature inside that but how about its safety? Do RocketVaultFinance team already do audit for their smart contract and how about the result?
I guess you already answered the audit part, maybe elaborate on staking features
Neil Armstrong:
Actually, our vaults are a bit different from other finance projects out there.
Gem Radar ✪:
Yes exactly!
Neil Armstrong:
What generates revenue in our Vaults are the proprietary strategies that we have been finetuning for 15 months.
And there is no going to be a RVF fork :)
Ours is a unique product with unique offering.
Regaridng the safety part, we use a combination of hot and cold wallets and we have security experts in ourteam who has workied for tier 1 banks
and the audit should help in assuring that we do adopt the best standards to ensure the safety.
Gem Radar ✪:
Definitely. Well your project is approved from my side lol, I believe you’ve ticked all the boxes today and proven that you are here in the long term. I really appreciate you dedicating your time today here with us. We look forward to folloeing the success of $RVF and we encourage our community to grab some before you sell out! 🙂
Neil Armstrong:
Please do join @RVF_SmartVault_Bot to take a look at our product demo with LIVE orders so you gt a idea how we do it ..
Let me forward a few orders here .. for a quick glance ..
Gem Radar ✪:
Neil Armstrong:
You can see how Our Smart Vault books profit of 7%, 15% profits and every “decision” is data driven and automated process.
Neil Armstrong:
Thanks a lot for having us over and approving ou project :)
Gem Radar ✪:
Perfect. Thanks Neil 🙂
Neil Armstrong:
We have lots of exciting thing lined up for 2021. We are going to start the new year with a bang! Come join us to be part of the exciting journey!
Thanks again!