AMA Recap: Gem Chasers & Good Luck: Have Fun $GLHF
Below is a full-recap of the AMA, for the gem chasers who couldn’t make it, or for anyone that’s interested. Feel free to have a read!
🦊 Tails:
Chat Locked, AMA has now started. As an OG chaser, @gemradar will be conducting his AMA using our group today. Gem my fren, please start whenever 🙂
Gem Radar ✪:
Thanks @TailsAMA Much appreciated, and a warm welcome to @FloppyChicken from GL-HF!
How are you during these busy times firstly, how are you personally doing?
Floppy Chicken:
Good! Excited to get into the AMA haha
Gem Radar ✪:
Awesome! well we will just start right away in that case!
Can you first introduce yourself please?
Floppy Chicken:
Sure! My name is Floppy, I’m the CEO and Founder of GLHF.
I used to be an eSports competitor here in Australia, and decided to make a company centered around the two things I’m good at! eSports and blockchain!
GLHF is an esports tournament platform that hopes to merge the worlds of defi and eSports in a fun and interactive way.
We do this by hosting tournaments, allowing you to bet on those tournaments, allowing staking, then generation, NFT generation, and bringing people from all over the esports space to compete in all of these tournaments.
Gem Radar ✪:
Great thanks for the introduction Floppy 🙂 I definitely feel the same energy towards eSports and blockchain, as I myself come from a background of Gaming. So let’s talk more about the project it self. For the people who don’t know about GL-HF..
Floppy Chicken:
Gem Radar ✪:
Many of our community members here are from a background of Trading, so I’m sure they’d love to hear what do you have planned in terms of the DeFi aspect of things? As well as what is the tokenomics of $GLHF
Floppy Chicken:
For sure!
We have 4 main components, staking betting governance and competing.
We have two tokens in our ecosystem, GLHF and GGWP.
GLHF tokens have a max supply of 500, GGWP tokens have an ever increasing supply.
GGWP tokens are used to play in premium tournaments with higher eth prizes, collect steam gift cards and more!
To earn GGWP tokens you can compete in tournaments, bet against tournament results with your GLHF tokens, stake your GLHF tokens or stake GLHF Liquidity.
You can stake your GLHF tokens or liquidity in order to earn GGWP tokens.
Staking 1 GLHF token will earn you 20 GGWP tokens per day.
Staking 1 GLHF-LP token will earn you 200 GGWP tokens per day.
That’s the equivalent of winning 1 tournament a week or 10 premium tournaments a week respectively!
Betting your GLHF tokens is another way to earn GGWP tokens.
You can bet as many GLHF tokens or part of a token against any match on GLHF.
If you are unsuccessful in your bet, your bet will be burnt.
If you are successful, you will earn back your GLHF tokens and GGWP tokens.
It’s a real gamble!
We host tournaments for all major game titles!
If you win a tournament, you earn GGWP tokens.
If that tournament is a premium tournament, there will be an entry fee paid in ether to join.
When you win a premium tournament, you take home a share of the entry pot!
To compete in a premium tournament, you must hold a minimum of GGWP tokens (set by the tournament administrator).
All individuals who hold 1 GLHF token or more will be eligible to make votes on the future of GLHF.
We will hold regular DAO votes to ensure GLHF continues to run as a community.
Governance also gives you a vote in judgement calls when results are disputed.
Gem Radar ✪:
Right, this is some great information. I appreciate this. You have definitely found the sweet spot in every aspect. You are combining traditional DeFi technology with Betting and E-Gaming. This is really interesting and I find your use case for your token strong. I’d like to personally ask about the betting features of your platform. When will this be live?
Floppy Chicken:
Betting will be live Q2 2021 🙂
Same as Staking and Governance!
And yeah we worked hard to combine defi with esports completly and not just on the surface!
Gem Radar ✪:
Haha beat me to it! I was going to ask that as well. So your roadmap seems solid and straight forward which is exactly what we need these days. Currently you are in Round 3 out of 4 of your presale right? Round 1 and 2 sold out really quick, I actually stumbled accross $GLHF in Round 1 but i made it through earlier on today in Round 3. (Yes I’ve personally picked up a bag myself) How is Round 3 going so far?
Floppy Chicken:
haha I assumed those were coming!
Yeah it’s been great! Round 1 in 2 minutes, Round 2 sold mostly in 1 hour. Round 3 is 36% sold so far, we are 60% towards our softcap!
We’re hoping to close out round 3 before it ends (in 4 hours). Then the price goes up $1500 in round 4!
Gem Radar ✪:
These are some amazing results. Your team has been KYC’d by DistX and you are doing the presales through there platform too. This is such an advantage during these times. I personally try to only enter presales with projects that are either public or KYC’d using a SAFU platform like DistX and I know many others are in the same boat as me logically. Right, so after round 4 whats next? Would you be listing on Uniswap right after ?
Floppy Chicken:
Exactly! KYC’d and locked so we can’t rug.
Our uniswap listing happens 48 hours after the sale ends 🙂
Gem Radar ✪:
This is so important and has created value just by it self. Giving trust to investors and traders is an important thing, and you guys have nailed that to the bone! Well done to you guys for that. What’s interesting about your project is most of your payouts including staking will be in $GGWP, could you please elaborate why you have chosen to do this ?
Floppy Chicken:
Sure! GGWP tokens are mintable, GLHF tokens are not. We wanted a low cap non mintable token that people can buy so that we can’t rug pull by minting more.
GGWP tokens are redeemable for steam skins, vouchers, CSGO weapon skins etc at a fixed rate so it allows us to have a token that has a changeable supply without having any rug pull vectors.
Gem Radar ✪:
I think this is a great idea and this is why I wanted to touch on it for others to hear about it. Really this makes $GLHF even more valuable. That’s why I entered the presale as soon as I could. I see this as an Investment and will be allocating some of it to use on your platforms, but really it’s an investment as there is almost zero selling pressure. And along the way I wouldn’t mind earning some $GGWP haha! So I think this is the general idea and how most people will be thinking too.
Floppy Chicken:
For sure!
Gem Radar ✪:
I’m also keen on the tournaments, and it’s so cool that you guys will be catering for all major game titles. This gives an opportunity to bring on more users to use your platform. Do you have any plans on having any other incentives for $GLHF holders in the future?
Floppy Chicken:
We sure do! We have plenty in the timeline for more rewards, mainly around long term holders and stakes. We love giving incentives to people to keep hodling
Gem Radar ✪:
All I can really say is this is going to be one epic launch! lol we could talk about this forever but to keep it short and sweet as I know you are super busy right now dealing with the presales, I’m going to move on to the questions we received from the community if that’s okay with you?
Floppy Chicken:
Perfect mate, and I appreciate the kind words!
Gem Radar ✪:
No problem! so you will be answering 5 questions from the community which I have randomly preselected.
Floppy Chicken:
Gem Radar ✪:
@Sicxa has asked, “ I’ve noticed that investors can either make investment activity in the secondary market or join the $GLHF Staking program, could you please explain how the $GLHF Staking program works? “
Floppy Chicken:
Sure! You can stake liquidity or GLHF tokens directly! Every day at 00:01 the smart contract checks all stakes and awards GGWP tokens relative to your stake amount! The values are all up at
Gem Radar ✪:
@Jancok90 has asked, “What are your plans to educate and raise awareness and adoption among the community to make more people understand #GLHF and its technology?”
Floppy Chicken:
For sure! We have videos booked in with large YouTube and we have plans to sponsor some twitch streams of competitions on our platform which will explain how it all works real time
We will be announcing those soon
Gem Radar ✪:
@tcalmasurr has asked, “Do you have any Coin Burn or BuyBack systems or have you any $Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract investors to invest on your project?”
Floppy Chicken:
Of course! With out betting system, if you bet wrong your GLHF tokens that you put up as leverage are burnt!
Also all unsold tokens in sale are burnt
Gem Radar ✪:
@ajibang1 has asked, “Do you have developers building DeFi protocols and Dapps on the $GLHF platform?”
Floppy Chicken:
We don’t :) we are a self contained platform not a layer for other developers
Gem Radar ✪:
@ALAMSP has asked, “Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? What kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?”
Floppy Chicken:
They do! Owning 1 whole GLHF token opens you up for governance access. When a tournament result is in dispute, governance is what’s used to sort that out
Its hugely powerful especially to esports organisations
Gem Radar ✪:
Right thank you for answering the questions, we all appreciate it when the owner of a project or the core team takes some time to get involved with investors and the community directly 🙂
Floppy Chicken:
❤️ no worries at all if anyone want’s in our sale otherwise have a great day everyone!
Gem Radar ✪:
Alright, well this is the end of the AMA. It was lovely having a chat with you @FloppyChicken and for everyone don’t forget it is most beneficial catching the Presale round 3. There is only 3 hours left so don’t miss out on this great opportunity 🔥