AMA Recap: Gem Chasers & ARTX
Below is a full-recap of the AMA, for the gem chasers who couldn’t make it, or for anyone that’s interested. Feel free to have a read!
Radar 🍥:
Hello and welcome to another AMA series with the @gemchasers 🙂 Today we will be exploring the @artxcommunity project :).
A new project that is a yield feeding revolution and the future of wealth management. What does this mean? Well let’s welcome and dive in deeper together with @mig0r & @sm0xth.
Migør | ARTX:
Hello, excited to answer your questions!
sm0xth | ARTX:
Hi everyone, we are pleased to be here, in our first AMA!
Radar 🍥:
Exciting times! Glad we can be the first to explore your project with our community.
Ok so, could we start off with an introduction of yourselves, and how did the concept start? Was this a plan in your pipeline, what motivated you to do a project, etc.
sm0xth | ARTX:
Sure, thank you. First of all, an introduction of myself. I am sm0xth, CEO and co-founder of ARTX Trading.
About me I can say I am an enthusiast of maths, technology and finance. I am Telecommunication Engineer with years of work experience in the banking sector and, thank to that combination, I have been dedicated in recent years to the development on innovative financial products
Alway pursuing the democratization of the most premium inverment strategies.
Migør | ARTX:
I am migor, co-founder and CTO of ARTX Trading
As a brief introduction about me I can say that I am telecommunications engineer with extensive work experience in international companies focused specifically to algorithm research and development and quantitative analysis
Radar 🍥:
Thank you for the introductions, so how does your background relate to ARTX? Is it relatable, did it spark you to create this concept? & What is ARTX for the people who don’t know..
Migør | ARTX:
In my case, as I have always been related to algorithm development, I have always found the world of cryptocurrencies very interesting, so I have always found it very attractive to apply knowledge of quantitative analysis to these new markets
sm0xth | ARTX:
In my case my profile is more related to the world of finance and the development of financial products.
The combination of these two profiles makes us to create ARTX
Recarding to the ARTX project, we want to propose a radical transformation of traditional managed funds, relying on automatic and non-custodial management strategies that connect the world of traditional trading with the DeFi ecosystem
We think its very important to allow retail investors to participate in investments that traditionally were reserved for large funds, we think that has to be the true meaning of the entire crypto ecosystem
Radar 🍥:
Interesting, so how will it work? What does a retail investor need to do to utilize your platform?
Migør | ARTX:
A retail investor will be able to do it through our token
As an example of a use case you can think of people who want to invest in a premium trading bot but do not have enough capital, through our token we allow anyone to be part of our work as a fund manager
sm0xth | ARTX:
We do it through what we call ARTX Shares, it is detailed in our Medium. But briefly, ARTX Shares will allow ARTX Holders to get Yield from the performance of our trading bots
We are commited to buy back ARTX Tokens with the 100% of the profits generated by our trading strategies (and we will distribute the 80% of them to premium holders)
Radar 🍥:
So, to put it simply. Just buy some $ARTX tokens, hold it and get incentivzed for holding it as you can earn yield.
Migør | ARTX:
Exactly, that’s the idea
Radar 🍥:
Do users have to lock their tokens on your platform for a period of time? Or is it automatically sent to the wallets? could you give some brief insight to this, and will their be any other use cases implemented in the near future?
sm0xth | ARTX:
The ARTX Token staking is a contrcless staking
That means that investors only have to hold the tokens in their wallets during an entire month
we will be doing regular snapshots and distributing the tokens to those who are elegible
Migør | ARTX:
Here you can find all the details:
Radar 🍥:
Great! Having detailed articles can really help people understand how they can actually make use of the token.
Ok great, I’d like to talk about the security measures of this project. Have you been audited yet? If so by whom
Migør | ARTX:
We always work in a non-custodial way and our systems are not connected to controversial systems that could compromise the safety of the funds
That’s one of the reasons why ARTX Shares works with contractless stacking
sm0xth | ARTX:
We understand that the use of smart contracts can have security breaches, so we try to ensure that our security does not rely on them in any case
Radar 🍥:
Great, have you done an external audit though?
Migør | ARTX:
This is something we are currently working on with strategic partners
Radar 🍥:
Ok great, external audits are always good indicators to re-assure everything is fine with the code.
What about the structure of the sales. How is that planned? How do the rounds work.
sm0xth | ARTX:
It is structured in three stages that are being lead by DEXT Force, one of our strategic partners
Now we are in the middle of the second stage, the strategic round, and once it is done, we will soon announce the public sale
at the latest for the last week of March
Radar 🍥:
And has the raise for the public sale been decided yet? As in what the hard cap would be? I can see that one of your partners is DEXT Force which is really great to hear! Solid team supporting your project.
I’d also like to know do you have plans on going public in the near future? or will you remain anon? If you remain anon would you be KYC’ing yourself to an entity?
Migør | ARTX:
Yes, it’s really good to have DEXT Force supporting our project as they are a very solid team
Regarding the amount of the public sale yes, it has already been decided
sm0xth | ARTX:
For the moment we are not going public due to restrictions in our country, however we have done KYC with DEXT Tools Team, who can certify that our identities and background are real and this is a serious project with a long future
Migør | ARTX:
The hard cap is 1.3 usd million
Radar 🍥:
This is really good to know. And thank you for sharing that. I think being KYC’d via is very valuable and gains trust to investors.
What will the funds be used for? Do you have information to share with us for this?
sm0xth | ARTX:
Sure, first of all we are going to create a Yield Feeding Pool with the 15% of the total funds raised. This will be used to make profits and generate passive income that will be invested in ARTX Shares.
Migør | ARTX:
Also with the funds we will invest in research and development in order to further diversify our investments and have a wide portfolio of strategies and bots
sm0xth | ARTX:
Of course there are other parts that will be dedicated to other objectives, such as expenses, marketing, liquidity, and everything is detailed on our website:
Radar 🍥:
Thank you for this information, it seems like everything is transparent and you guys are taking the correct steps in order to make this a success. I would like like to now move on to the community questions. We have selected 2 questions from our twitter for you guys to answer 🙂
Migør | ARTX:
Radar 🍥:
Coin_Travolta on Twitter asks:
Have you tested the ARTX application in enough time? Can you give information about your profitability rate and other data after these test stages?
Migør | ARTX:
We have been working on our strategies and bots for about 3 years, improving and testing our products during this time. It is now, after all this period of time that we are ready to release our tested products to the public
sm0xth | ARTX:
Also, in our website you can find complete 2020 backtesting dashboards with profitability rates and all the information you need to understand how profitable they are
Migør | ARTX:
Moreover, all the strategies are backtested over several past years and we are continuously adapting them to the particularities of the market
Radar 🍥:
sm0xth | ARTX:
In addition to the backtesting, we have a track of the actual performance in production on Telegram:
Migør | ARTX:
Thank you Coin_Travolta for the question
Radar 🍥:
AkamSP3 on twitter asks:
Regulations are important, Many projects have been shut down in many countries because they are not using the right regulations and licenses. In order to reach the whole world, how does the ArtxTrading group handle this problem?
sm0xth | ARTX:
Our activity is fully compliant with regulations and absolutely transparent
We do algorithmic trading and automatic fund management, which is an activity that is highly developed worldwide and it is absolutely compliant
so we can be easily adopted by anyone in any country
Radar 🍥:
Amazing. Ok thank you so much for answering the community questions in a detailed manner!
sm0xth | ARTX:
Thank you and thanks to all the community for being interested in our project
Migør | ARTX:
Thank you very much, it has been a pleasure to answer your questions and to see the interest of all your community in ARTX Trading!
Radar 🍥:
Thanks guys, I’d just like to say that I really like your project and transparency.
I will be personally investing in this project. 🥳