AMA: Gem Chasers & Non Fungible Apes

7 min readMar 31, 2021


Below is a full-recap of the AMA, for the gem chasers who couldn’t make it, or for anyone that’s interested. Feel free to have a read!





Welcome to another AMA series at @gemchasers. Today we have with us Non Fungible Apes. @AllanHeremi , welcome to our community. How are you doing today?


Hey guys, im doing well thanks! Really appreciate you making the time to have me on for an AMA


You are welcome, it’s really nice to have you here!

Could we please start with an introduction of yourself, and your past experience with crypto?


Sure thing!

I’m Allan, the founder of non-fungible apes…

I have been involved in crypto since 2017, got in on the bull-run and since then have been delving into the world of crypto.

A few months ago i had the idea for starting Non-Fungible apes with our artist, and we have been hard at work now making it a reality.. has been a great journey so far and tons of fun!


Nice! I’ve seen some of the designs!

Can you give us a brief overview of Non-Fungible Apes


Yes sure!

So NFAs are a collection of a total of a max of 1370 unique NFTs, no two are exactly the same. The 1370 NFTs are made up of 470 male adult and 300 female adult NFAs, as well as 600 baby NFTs. Non-Fungible Apes are unique in that the males and females can be staked together to mint baby NFAs and receive staking rewards that come from sell fees.

Actually, let me show you a few of my personal favourite NFAs

Our artist is quite the talented one to say the least!


I agree! I’ve seen the designs and I am impressed! I really like the designs. But what I feel is really innovative is the fact that you can own male and females ones, and stake them together to create (mint) babies, which are more unique. It’s a very very cool concept!


yes thanks! its a really unique part of NFAs…

And we have also just released ‘gay marriage certificates’..

so families aren't just exclusive to straight couples


So basically, if you hold a gay marriage certificate, you can adopt babies and stake the family (with two dads) for staking rewards


lots of diversity, with unique features, impressive


thanks! We have a lot more coming too


Nice, I will stay tuned :)

The NFT market is really exploding! Can you give us some insights into the competitive landscape?


You’re right it’s absolutely exploding! So the most successful NFT collectibles project would have to be cryptopunks, which used procedural generation to create 10,000 cryptopunks. The most expensive cryptopunk sold for $7.6 million! Total value of sales for cryptopunks have reached $187 million. Hash-masks is another very successful project, with the most expensive going for 420 eth on Opensea. Non-fungible Pepes also did very well, averaging out to 19 ETH per Pepe.


I’ve seen some of them, but NFA seems to be doing very well as well. I’ve seen some unique ones for more than 7 eth


Yes, its been doing very well, and we are only a couple of weeks old!

We are currently ranked #75 on Opensea


Very good for a 2 week old project, but due to your unique features, I have no doubt you will reach higher

How are you as an NFT collectibles project standing out from the others? What is special about your project?


Good question! We are definitely doing something unique! An NFA couple can be mated to birth (mint) a baby… Birthing two NFA babies means you can register the family with the family benefits NFA family benefits scheme (staking :P) and get very good family benefits (staking rewards haha). The rewards come from selling fees from Opensea and they are distributed to the staking wallet from every initial sell and every time the NFT is resold on Opensea as well. Meaning as the value of NFAs go up so will your staking rewards!


Nice, this should encourage owners to hold their NFAs


And that’s a really interesting concept! Do you have any other surprises up your sleeves?


Yeah a lot! like i mentioned, we have just introduced the gay marriage certificates, which are airdropped to holders of NFAs with LGBT trait. We are also working on a larger ecosystem in which NFAs will have a valuable role, but we haven't released details on this yet… though stay tuned for more! We have also begun ritual sacrifices of NFAs… Unsold NFAs are being thrown into a pixel volcano before the next batch of new NFAs are dropped

Oh and staking is coming soon!


Nice, so when will staking begin?


We are currently developing the staking app and it will be ready in about 1–2 weeks. Here’s a quick preview of the app.


very detailed GUI, can’t wait to see this running

What is the cost per NFT? And can you tell us a bit about the distribution?


Yes, so NFAs are sold following a bonding curve, there will be 8 rounds in total. Each round increases in price, we are currently up to 0.7 ETH per NFA

We are releasing the NFAs in drops of about 50 per drop, every few days. You can get more details on the pricing schedule in our medium page..

The next batch actually will be dropped in the next few minutes

lol.. good timing


haha, I will check them out, and the article

Ok so we have 2 questions preselected from our community that we would like to ask you now


yes please!


@biggdataa asks: You have created an interesting NFT project both in terms of concept and content. A question worthy of this concept: What effects will NFT technology have in the digitalization process of our lives in the future What kind of NFT evolution do you expect?


Oh boy.. thats a deep question haha

OK.. ill try and navigate my way around that

I don’t know that it will have such an impactful affect on our lives as something so insidious as the advent of the internet or the smart phone.. which just left our old world in the dust..

but there is something very special about NFTs… It is somewhat akini to the individual itself…

You could think of the individual as being that which cannot be divided.

And an NFT shares that same nature…

So in mapping ownership of digital assets, it is the perfect vessel.

Prior to NFTs there was only processes, and centralized processes too for carrying digital ownership.

The breakthrough of NFTs into the crypto space i think will have a strong impact on people who truly value ownership. This would be especially true for people like artists and musicians, who lose a lot to third parties like agents etc. Now they have full control of how they trade their digital assets.

I also think it has a lot of use in spaces like real estate, or anywhere else where there is a lot of paperwork and long processes in transferring data. Using NFTs just makes it a lot easier!


Correct, this is true. it cuts the middleman out. And not only with digital stuff only. We are seeing lately how many real assets are being tokenized to market and sell as NFTs. So it’s clear that NFTs are here to stay!


totally agreed!


Thanks for your deep explanation, pretty on track!

And now onto the last question

@captain_price9 asks: The NonFungibleapes project is developing fast and being adopted more. What strategic steps do you plan to take in the near future to make the NonFungibleapes project more global and attract more investors?


Ok, so we have something quite big planned.. it’s an extended ecosystem, but we are in the planning stages now, and we have not yet released anything.. but we will very soon! So i would suggest everyone join our Discord and follow our twitter account so they can hear as soon as we release the news!

But apart from that, we are listening very carefully to our community and constantly building on the project.


Excellent thanks! And would you be able to let us know your website and social media channels?


yes of course!

Here’s the website

And you can join us in discord.


Thanks a lot for these! And thank you so much for being today with us at Gem Chasers for this AMA!


cool thank u, really appreciate it!



It’s been a pleasure!

End of AMA




Written by Gemchasers

A community driven movement in crypto, join us and become a Gem Chaser!

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